Monday, January 22, 2007

A Nebraska Newspaper Doing Its Job!!!

by Kyle Michaelis
Here's a highly recommended editorial in today's Daily Nebraskan - a welcome, much-needed reminder that it is possible for voices of reason and relevance to break through to the masses, even in Nebraska.
Politicians not putting Nebraska first in money matters
Hats off to the budding young journalists at the DN for their willingness to speak the truth and do more than look away as Gov. Dave Heineman and Nebraska's Republican Congressional delegation have turned their backs on higher education and the future of our state.

Wow. I'd almost forgotten that an editorial demonstrating genuine common sense, doing honest-to-goodness reporting, and putting some actual thought into tying the issues together was possible in the Nebraska press.

Nice to know that at least someone else is paying attention. I just hope the DN will keep up the fine work and - by raising its standards - force others to follow suit.

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