Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Paper Tiger Makes the Papers

by Kyle Michaelis
"The Mock Maverick," from the Journal-Star website's frontpage
Following up on yesterday's article about Sen. Chuck Hagel being the most ardent supporter of President Bush's agenda of all 2008 presidential aspirants, both the Lincoln Journal-Star and the Omaha World-Herald today report on the fuller numbers from Congressional Quarterly that actually rank Hagel as Bush's biggest supporter in the entire U.S. Senate in 2006.

The LJS reports:
Despite sharp differences with President Bush on Iraq and foreign policy, Sen. Chuck Hagel was the leading supporter of the president’s agenda in the Senate in 2006....

Hagel supported Bush’s position 95.5 percent of the time, even more often than Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., who finished fourth at 92.8 percent.

With Hagel on the verge of a decision whether to pursue the presidency or seek a third Senate term next year, his strong legislative support for Bush prompted words of praise from GOP State Chairman Mark Quandahl.

“Once again, Senator Hagel has demonstrated to Americans and Nebraskans alike that he is truly committed to President Bush and his policies,” Quandahl said.

“While Senator Hagel’s bold leadership has inspired serious and thoughtful policy discussions all across our country, this rating underscores his devout allegiance to the common-sense, conservative principles of the Republican Party and our commander-in-chief.”
Quandahl pretty much said what needed to be said, except he fails to recognize that Bush's agenda does not have the support of the American people or the voters of Nebraska.

The most recent SurveyUSA tracking poll from November gave Bush only a 46% approval rating in Nebraska - pathetically, still his sixth highest in the nation. Hagel's "devout allegiance" to principles and a record like that hardly speak in his favor even if it might better his lowly standing with the Republican base.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

dr chuck

get a brain


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