Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bush's Approval Plummets in Nebraska

by Kyle Michaelis
Nebraska's always been a little bit behind the rest of the country when it comes to the latest trends and fashions. It seems the same might be said of our politics, though - when it comes to being fed-up with President George W. Bush - we're catching up in a hurry.

The latest SurveyUSA tracking poll of Nebraska puts Bush's approval at a new all-time low of 45%. At the same time, 53% disapprove of Bush's performance.

While these numbers still don't reflect the national average that has seen Bush's approval rating hovering in the mid-30s for months, they no doubt speak to a pretty substantial turning of the tide here in Nebraska - where Bush enjoyed a 60% approval rating just last summer. He's fallen a full 15% since that point.

Probably the most surprising thing about these most recent numbers is where Nebraska now stands in relation to the other states. After having been one of the last bastions of majority support for Bush throughout the latter half of 2005 and the early months of 2006 - consistently ranking in the top 5 states in terms of Bush's job approval - Nebraska and its net approval of negative-8% suddenly rank as only the 15th "safest" state for Bush in the country.

Of course, these are just the results of a single poll and no one should get too excited about their implications. But, there's no denying the trend that has been established over the last few months. In Nebraska - one of the most Republican states in the country - there's a deep sense of dissatisfaction with Bush and the direction our nation is heading under his leadership. That dissatisfaction only seems to be growing, and - though the bleeding will have to stop eventually - there's clearly an opportunity this election year to turn all that negative feeling into something positive for the future of our state.


Blogger Kyle Michaelis said...

Hey Bulldog-

I'm sorry my site doesn't meet your standards for fairness and openness, though your complaint and accusation are entirely unfounded. While I would like to write more about your so-called "real problems", it's hard not to get caught up in the swing of things during campaign season. Nothing on this site reflects anything but my own opinions. I have never hid the fact that I am a Democrat, but I take orders and talking points from no one. And, seriously, how much more open could this site be when I invite your criticism without moderation and sign everything I write with my actual name?

I strive to be fair and am so to the best of my abilities, but I've never claimed and readers should not expect balance. This site reflects MY BELIEFS and MY OPINIONS - I've promised no more, and I've delivered no less.

Blogger Unknown said...

Come on, Kyle, we all know Barry has editorial approval over this site... You've never been critical of Democrats, after all.

Back to reality - Bush is growing increasingly unpopular with his base, which is why we see a step like we saw yesterday, a veto of a bill that had plenty of support from Republicans as well as Democrats. I don't know what it means for Democrats in this state, but it is an opportunity. Our state party prior to 2004 was virtually nonexistent. With a viable alternative, maybe Nebraskans won't write off the Democrats anymore.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

im trying to figure out what justified the 60% approval rating last summer. it's not as if things suddenly turned to shit in the last 12 months. i think it's safe to say, that bush has been given the benefit of the doubt long enough. i only hope people vote for some oversight. i shudder to think, given the situation in the middle east, what this administration is capable of if they have two more years of unchecked power.
barry rubin? i thought kos had final editorial approval. did you not check with him again, kyle? shame on you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're right, Kyle, and I really hope one of the Democratic congressional candidates wins. Maybe then I won't have to listen to and read endless streams of self-defeating crap like this anymore:

(a commenter at Digby's Hulabaloo)

"This is the deal, though. Nebraska is very conserviative, and you're not going to get anyone better than Nelson here. You might not like him very much, but he counts as a Democrat when it's time to decide who will run the Senate, and that's a lot better than nothing."

Blogger Unknown said...

Against Adrian "Farmers are Communists" Smith, "Louisiana's Own" Jeff Fortenberry, and, of course, the least powerful 4-term incumbent in Washington, Lee Terry?

For someone who hates this blog so much, you certainly are doing an awful lot of posting.

Blogger Kyle Michaelis said...


Your comments are welcome, but - for a man who wants discussion of "real answers to real problems" - you seem far more interested in starting a fight. My first troll - what an honor!!!

Just understand how transparent (and pathetic) your motives are. Though I reserve the right to delete comments so insulting to Barry Rubin and this year's Democratic candidates, I think I'll leave them up for now so everyone can see just how low you and your like are willing to stoop.

By the way, your talk of Maryland and Virginia have nothing to do with this site. I'd appreciate your attempting to stay somewhat on-topic. Furthermore, the "Oreo Cookie" incident you speak of has been widely discredited, which you would know if you got your news from anyone other than Rush Limbaugh.

Finally, your earlier defense of your lame friend at Leavenworth was either ignorant or deceitful. In that site's endless stream of uninvited solicitations this spring, it falsely billed itself as "straddling the center lane," hoping to pass itself off as an objective and equal opportunity offender. The fact that it has now been revealed a tool of the Ricketts campaign and the Republican Party is only a result of their obvious desperation to bring down Ben Nelson.

Don't ever defend such bullshit on this site again. I will not tolerate those who dedicate themselves to such cynical and manipulative deception of Nebraska's voters.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lonesome bulldog wrote...

Dems, please explain:

I see some Dems out there touting fiscal responsibility, specifically targeting silly earmarks. These candidates should pay close attention to the comments of a prominent Democratic House Member from Virginia, Jim Moran...
Key quote - "When I become chairman [of a House appropriations subcommittee], I'm going to earmark the shit out of it," Moran buoyantly told a crowd of 450 attending the event.

Sounds like a corrupt scumbag. Many of us are trying to rid our party, and our government, of scumbags like Moran. I know that may seem like a bizarre concept to a Republican, but it's happening. I suggest you read David Sirota's "Hostile Takeover" if you want a longer explanation.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I was doing some research and stumbled across this site. What kinda nuthouse is this? I mean, this is worse than Altercation in that it seems impossible for any retort to lack some lame reference to Rush Limbaugh. What next, "nanny, nanny booboo"? Well, I guess when one is short on facts and any semblance of rational thought...


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